Another wonderful day in the capital of Romania. This city really does not get the respect it deserved. Its beautifully tree-lined boulevards, dozens of parks, and flowing fountains in the road medians make it quite
picturesque. There is so much recent history here - today I saw the square where the Revolution occurred, the hotel where journalists watched the tanks roll over the students, memorials for the slain protesters, and even the balcony where Ceausescu tried to give his last speech amongst shouts of "Down with Ceausescu!" (He had to escape by helicopter that day, only four days before his execution. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Romanian_Revlution_1989_3.jpg for a pic of the same building on that day.)

In 1984 Ceausescu began work on what is now known as the Palace of the Parliament. He wanted it to be a world-renowned masterpiece - today it
is still the world's second largest building (after the US Pentagon.) It is absolutely stunning (and quite exorbitant) work with 17 stories (6 of which are underground.) Now one house of the Parliament meets there. I went with my new Japanese friend Naoki who I met in the hostel.

I guess this is where I also have to admit I had a McDonald's milkshake and coke. I'm really trying to eat the local cuisine though! For real! 

That is me on the Palace of the Parliament balcony Ceausescu built but never got to speak from.
you have a japanese friend now too ;)