I'm in the Middle East! Wow, they weren't kidding when they said Israel is in the desert. It is quite deserty. (I need sleep, can you tell?) I passed the Israeli passport controls' questions satisfactorily (no, I did not "maybe happen to have someone give me a package to deliver.") While I was at the airport it became apparent with mobs of paparazzi that
someone famous was coming through. Turned out to be some superstar on the Israeli soccer (football) team!

After changing trains once in the quest to get to the southern part of the country, Lily was at the train station to meet me. It's been wonderful catching up with her!! She's amazing. We met through AMSA (American Medical Student Association) and is currently the Surgery Interest Group leader. She has incredible passion for int'l health, particularly reconstructive surgery.
Lily's also been gracious enough to come up with an entire itinerary for my stay! Tonight we went and ate at an amazing Yemen restaurant. It feels as if you are in someone's house...we sat in a little room by ourselves
on cushions and ate like queens. There was sooooo much good food, and the total was less than $20 for the two of us!

Tomorrow we are getting up early and traveling with two of her med school friends to Nazareth.
Oh, and wonderful news to any and all who have to be in close proximity with me - I did laundry today!
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