Saturday, November 28, 2009

Budapest, Hungary

So I know it's been forever since I've updated, but I wanted to just say that right now I'm sitting in a coffeeshop in Budapest that's called "California Coffee Company." Surreal!

Be sure to look backwards through this blog, since I will be adding Tunisia, Austria and Slovakia in chronological order.

I miss everyone! Write me an email - it's really sad when I finally get to the internet and don't have any from *real* people.


1 comment:

  1. Erica, Looks like you're having a great time. I forgot that you would be travelling for such a long time! I'm flying home for the holidays in two weeks, so I doubt we'll run into each other during this trip of yours. I would, however, like to hear your stories and recommendations re: all the places you have been. I have been busy with work and unable to leave Germany, but I plan to start making weekend trips next year. Would love to hear from you - I know your mom has my email if you don't. Cheers!
